Tag Archives: graalonline lingo

Graal Lingo – Meaning and Slang

Graal Lingo – Meaning and Terms

Bread -Talking about Unixmad making money. (bread = money)
A Zelda type game
A community of players
GTA: Graal The Adventure
LATA: Level Administration Team Admin
Gani: Graal Animation
SFX: Sound
GFX: Graphics
GP: Graal Police
GM: Game Master
GS1: Graal Script 1
GS2: Graal Script 2
RC: Remote Control
PR: Player Relation
PRA: Player Relation Admin
PWA: Playeworld Admin
GA: Global Admin
TA: Trade Admin
Coder: a GS2 or GS1 Scripter
PA: Playerworld Admin
GUI: Graphical User Interface
GK: Graal Kingdoms
GK Dev Servers:Graal Kingdoms Developer Servers
NPC: Non-Player Character
GST: Guild Spar Tournament/Guild Spar Tournament
GS: Guild Spar
GH: Guild House
ET: Events Team
ETA: Events Team Admin
NAT: NPC Administration Team
GAT: Graphics Administration Team/Gani Administration Team Admin
LAT: Levels Administration Team
PHA: Player House Admin

Graal PC Zodiac Lingo


AM– Archmage’s (prefix)
AP– Atlas Pendant
BB– Berserker Band
BC– Battlechanter
BD– Bad Dreams Dungeon
BG– Bestial Guardian
BL– Blood Lust (from using Potion of Blood)
BM– Battlemaster’s (prefix to armor)
BoC– Band of Christmas
BoR– Band of Radiance
Builds – different levels in your character.
Creset– Class reset, a command in OSL that resets your class, but still retains your levels
CBoB– Cursed Blade of Blood
CD– Cyclone Dagger
CoI– Cane of Isis
CoR– Cinquedea of Ruin
DE– Devouring Edge
DK– Dark Knight
DoR– Dagger of Ra
DPS– Damage per second, any character who can deal high amounts of damage in short time
DT– Dragon’s Tongue
EC– Event Coin
EP– Event Point
FB– Frozen Bastille/Fire Bow
FE– Flowing Edge
FP – Freeport, renamed as Harborage
HoA– Heart of Abraxis
LF– looking for
MK– Magma Katars
MotNY– Mark of the Ninth Year
NB – Nightblade’s (prefix to armor)
NFS – ‘Not for Sale’
OP – Osiris Pendant
OSL – Online Start Local, where you usually respawn.
PB– Pharoah’s Blood
PC – Price Check
RoP– Ring of Pyre
RS – Ruby Stiletto
RoT– Ring of Thor/Rod of Time
SC– Shiva’s Charm
SD– Seryl Dungeon
SE– Sonic Edge
SoS– Staff of Suffering
SoD– Scythe of Dreams
SotF– Slayer of the Fallen
SotT– Sword of the Trees
ST– Shiva’s Tear
Tank– A character who has high defense, able to take on monsters head on with it’s defensive abilites
TW– Timeweaver
VE– Virulent Edge
WC– War Cleaver
w/c– wrong chat
ZK– Zephyr Katars
ZQ– Zephyr Quiver

iZone Slang Terms

WA – Weapons Admin
ZPA -Zone Patrol Admin
ZPC – Zone Patrol Captain OR Zone Patrol Cadet
ZP – Zone Patrol


Other Slang Terms

Game Master – Term referring to the person runs the adventure, tells the story, determines what action resolutions mean, etc.
for their players. This person, (or persons), runs also all of the NPCs.
GM – Game Master.
GMPC – Game Master Player Character.
HP – Hit Points.
Improvement Points See Character Points.
Life Points – See Hit Points.
Magic Points – A designation of the amount of magic power a given character has to perform magic.
Mana or Mana Pool – See Magic Points.
Meat Shield – A term used to describe a tough character able to withstand powerful attacks.
Melee –
1) Hand-to-hand, hand held weapon combat or to fight in close proximity.
2) drag-out fight.
Minion – A minimally detailed NPC; usually hostile, easily defeated
Moderator – See Game Master.
MP – Magic Points.
Multi-Class – Combining or using aspects from more than once class / role in a single character.
Nerfing – Change made by an authority to the rules reducing the overall effectiveness of a particular ability or system.
Non-Player Character – Any creature in a game that is not controlled exclusively by a player. Most often run by the GM
NPC – Non-Player Character.
Optional Rules – Published rules but used at the discretion of the Game Master.
Rules not designed to be part of base rules, but can be used, (often by experienced players), to alter game play.
Out of Character
1) An action or discussion made between GM and Players not meant to be performed by characters in game.
2) An action that is not in line with the character’s personality.
Player – The physical person playing the game
Point-Based – Having characters that are ‘constructed’ with a budget of points for attributes, skills, abilities, etc;
generally as opposed to being determined randomly at character creation.
Powers – Supernatural abilities possessed by a character.
PvP – Player vs Player. The ability or allowance for players to attack each other directly.
Race – The biological being the player chooses to play. In typical fantasy role playing games, this can be human, elf, dwarf, gnome etc.
Railroading – Referring to a game’s story being forced in a particular direction most often by the GM.
Ranged – Ranged combat or an attack/effect that takes place over a distance.
Retro-Clone – a game that is designed to emulate the rules of an older out of print game
Rez – Resurrect a character.
Roll-Play – Instead of role-play. 1) Often derogatory, used to imply that manipulation of the game system has replaced imagination.
2) Referring to the desire to roll dice instead of acting out character interactions.
Root/Branch – A system where skills start off at a root level, then branch out into various sub skills.
Role-play – The act of taking on the role of a character.
May be done in any of several modes, including 1st-person dialog, 3rd person narration of action, or even 1st person improvisational acting.
RPG – Role-Playing Game.
1) In terms of what we tend to list at RPG Geek this means:
a) Defined set of rules. b) Allows the player to take on the role of a character.
c) Allows the player a strong measure of free will to choose what the character does
d) The actions chosen by the player shape and influence the story which unfolds during the game.
2) Under Geekdo classifications, this stands for a game which has a separate set of rules differing it from any other role-playing game, even those with similar names.
RPG Item – Geekdo defines this as any single item of role-playing game paraphernalia.
Rules – The explicit part of the system, specified in the text.
Rules-Heavy- Having many rules to guide action and resolution. Opposite of Free-form.
Rules Lawyer
1) A person known for arguing GM rules calls by recourse to quoting the rules from the rulebooks.
2) A person who disrupts play by excessive references to rules in play. 3) A player who misrepresents the rules for their own advantage in play.
Skills – Area of proficiency. In a typical role playing game, a character will have a number of ‘skills’, namely things they are especially good
Skill-Based – Having characters that are defined by narrowly-defined skills, e.g. “Broadsword,” “Fast-Talk.”
Skill Points – See Character Points.
Skill Tree – See Progression Tree, but exclusively for skills.
SP – Skill Points
Spell-Slinger – Casting class (magic user, sorcerer, etc).
Stats – The numerical value applied to elements of a game.
1) A character’s abilities.
2) The numbers detailing how much damage a sword does. 3) The details of how an object, such as a flying vehicle, interacts with its fictitious environment.
Status – See Effects. Usually referring to the condition a character is in due to effects.
Story Games – Are RPGs which focus more on the overall story than character building or rules enforcing.
Most RPGs can be made to be more story driven given the predisposition of the GM/Players, but clearly some RPGs are more tailored to this style of play.
Storyteller – See Game Master.
1) The big-picture of a game’s mechanical choices, including not just rules but also design philosophy etc.
Or from a story point of view: the method in a game by which new facts are added to the fictional setting.
2) Geekdo defines this as a set of base rules used by more than one RPG.
Third-Party – Publications for a game that are from someone other than a game’s current publisher. Often printed under license.
TPK – Total Party Kill. The event of an entire group of player characters in a game being wiped out by a threat or challenge.
Trait(s) – A distinguishing characteristic of a character. This could be the ability for a character to size up a fight
better than most or perhaps the person has exceptional leadership skills.
It doesn’t have to be positive – a bad trait could be a phobia or uncontrollable greed.
Some games give advantages/disadvantages for traits. Traits can be further defined by being assigned
a numeric or textual value to indicate the competency of the ability being described by the name of the Trait.
When numerical, this is normally called an Ability (Typically Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Intelligence) XP – Experience Points.